2. After registration a verification Link will be sent to your email address, check your email address and click on the link to verify your email.
3. Click on the Link to verify your mail, after verification you will be redirected to the affiliate page.
4. You will be redirected here and you will get a message that your email has been verified.
5. You now have full access to the portal. The red box shows Your Affiliate i.d and the number of people that clicked your link that is your referrals, while the purple box shows your earnings per referrals per sales and registration bonus.
6. Now to start earning you need to generate your Affiliate Link. How to generate your Affiliate Link; click on Affiliate Tools “The Red box” a drop down menu will pop out then click on Affiliate Links that is under Affiliate Tools
7. After clicking on Affiliate Links you will be redirected here, then click on Generate Link And your Affiliate Link will be generated.
8. Your Affiliate Link will be generated here, copy your Affiliate Link and share to people. Note your Affiliate Link is what you should share to people so as to earn…..
9. To see your referrals people that registered as an affiliate through your link, click on Referrals
10. To see the numbers of people that clicked on your link, click on visits
11. Click on Product commission rate(s) to see how much you will earn on a particular products.
12. To login your account visit https://storehouse.com.ng/my-account/